555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

465. Should the Christian Work for Reward?

The New Testament makes it very clear that the motive of our work should be love for Christ, love that springs from gratitude for his salvation. But the Christian is also reminded of the great rewards that shall come to him in the future life if he is faithful and if his work is of a high order. Study particularly I Cor. 3:11-15. The thought of these rewards helps us to be faithful, constant, and careful. The conception of what the rewards will be varies with different stages of civilization. The best idea of these rewards seems to be that every good deed done is in itself the reward. Somebody was helped, was saved, was made glad, was given power and inspiration for helping others; these facts are eternal, and will bless forever those who are responsible for them. Then, too, the reward implies power to do still greater things. If there is joy in accomplishing things for the Master now there will be greater joy when we find ourselves furnished with the new, heavenly powers for doing still greater service. But more and more the Christian should train himself to keep his eyes and his heart fixed on Christ, eager to please him. He has called us into his friend ship, into his fellowship, into co-operation with aim in his great tasks. We must not disappoint him.